Notifications are the emails the system will send during the partner signup process.
- Signup - When potential partners sign up with the partner signup form.
- Approval - When a partner is approved. This email should contain all the getting-started information a new partner needs, such as their discount code and referral URL.
- Rejection - When a potential partner’s application is rejected.
- Removal - When an existing partner is removed from the partner program.
To edit your Notifications:
- Go to Admin.
- Click the Notifications tab at the top.
- Click the button for the notification you want to edit.
- For all notifications, some HTML tags are allowed: <b><u><ul><ol><li><p>
- For the Signup Notification, the following fields can be used: {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME}
- For the Approval Notification, the following fields can be used: {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} {TRACKINGURL} {COUPONCODE} {SIGNUPURL} {LOGINURL} {PROMOLONG} {CONTRACTTABLE}.
- For Rejection and Removal Notifications, the following fields can be used: {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} {SIGNUPURL}
- Make changes.
- Click Save to make it live.